The Inclusion Department provides an inclusive education to our students at Indian excellent Pvt School. We offer an inclusive mainstream curriculum with additional support, accommodations, intervention, differentiation and personalization, diversifying the educational experience of all students. Along with this we also provide the counseling program at Indian Excellent Pvt. School, which is designed to assist your child in making the most of his or her educational experience. This includes his/her emotional well-being, academic progress, and personal and social development.


How do we help our students?

We work collaboratively with all departments, teachers, students, parents and medical teams to foster diversity in learning.

We provide a range of support including one-to-one support when needed, small group activities focusing on literacy or numeracy, curriculum support, Individual Education Plans, Group Remedial Plans and Advance Learning Plans for gifted and talented students, support for classroom modification and differentiation, social skills development and counseling 

The overall purpose of The Inclusion Department is to develop, in students, the learning skills necessary to access the wilder curriculum, to help extend the most able and to raise each student’s confidence and self-esteem.

 Counseling Services:

 Individual Counseling: School counselors use many different mediums to work with students in individual sessions. In individual sessions, students may draw, write, sing, play, or just talk. Sometimes we work on learning a specific skill such as deep breathing for anxiety. Other times we work on role-playing situations, such as a problem with a friend or having a difficult conversation.

Group counseling: The programme was designed to assist students when there are multiple students experiencing similar problem or issue, it can be helpful for them to be in a counseling group together. Group counseling helps students build relationships and feel that they are not alone in their experiences.

 Career Guidance: The programme functions as a guide to students in planning academic for grades 8-12,exploring career interests and opportunities and guiding through the university admissions and selection process.

Training: The counselling program offers teachers and administrators various opportunities to expand their scope of practice to include counselling. Staff will be aware of counselling policies and practices, how to identify indicators for student concern and how best to serve the counselling needs of our students.

Psychological Assessment: This service provides standardized assessment materials to help the students in understanding themselves and to maximize their best potentials.



Counselling folder/paperwork All counselling related records are kept in a secure and private location. Access is granted to the Principal and Counsellor. Each case referred to the counsellor is recorded and treated with confidentiality. Counselling records are kept separately from school records unless noted otherwise by school policy

. Parental consent/ access to counselling records Parents and guardians of students of grades 1-7 will be notified if the counsellor is to provide individual/group counselling for their child. Counselling is voluntary and parents/guardians reserve the right to consent to or decline counselling services for their child. Parents will not be granted access to counselling records, which are considered property of the counsellor/school. Parents/guardians of all students (K-12) will be notified immediately if there is any concern regarding the safety of their child.

Our Teachers and Students Achievements


Year Founded

100 +

Certified Teachers

1500 +

Graduated Students


Awards Winner