Principal's Message

Principal's Message

“For yesterday is but a dream,  And tomorrow is but a vision  But today well lived  Makes every yesterday a dream of happiness”

  - Khalil Gibran

Every child is potentially the light of the world thus goes our motto – “Light Seeker” in pursuit of excellence. The gradual result of striving to do better, the School’s mission is to provide a learning environment and opportunities to our students as learners.

 We strive to provide an environment that is basically sacred and has a framework of discipline that is flexible yet supportive, a freedom that allows students to learn even from their mistakes, to develop into person moulded by the correlatives of freedom and responsibility. We offer a broad curriculum and a range of opportunities for all our students to achieve excellence in academics, creative, social, cultural, sporting and community endeavors.

 Our instructional dimensions demonstrate an excellent understanding, awareness and appreciation of UAE and other world cultures. With due respect for the heritage and culture of the UAE, we initiate and involve our pupils in a wide range of cultural activities.

Every sector of our system reflects pro activeness in listening, welcoming, acknowledging & celebrating ideas which are different from their own.

This breeds tolerance and transforms our institution a warm welcoming and sharing academic community

Mrs. Mangala Pillai.


Our Teachers and Students Achievements


Year Founded

100 +

Certified Teachers

1500 +

Graduated Students


Awards Winner